Quiet!!! Surprise!!!!Celebrating Jessie ... It's not a secret that Jessie is leaving our employ ... it's time for her adventures in arts education to take a new mpsonstep. This is wonderful, but we have loved having Jessie among us. Being such a busy person, she'll be able to join us for cake and coffee after church (thanks to Kristina Thompson for lending her baking skills). To be as quick as we can for Jessie's schedule, we gather at the back of the church, right after worship. And, if you wish to provide a cash gift to help Jessie in her new adventures (being a student finishing requirements always brings extra financial needs), we'll have a discreet brown envelope to be what longer-term Anglicans used to call the "Rector's Purse." No obligation, no direction, simply an invitation to give what you'd like, if you'd like. You can check with the Wardens .... one of us will have the envelope! We wouldn't be St. Matthias if we didn't mention that we will always hold Jessie in our prayers and hearts. Cake and a "Rector's Purse" are simply a demonstration. ok, the secret's now shared. With great thanks from Colleen, Joan and Cory. |