St. Matthias is delighted to welcome Roberta Pyx Sutherland to The Chapel Gallery, with her exhibit More Blessed Than We Know.  The exhibit begins with an Opening Reception on Friday, May 24th, from 6-9 pm, featuring an Artist's Talk at 7 pm.  Please enjoy Roberta Pyx Sutherland's comment about this exhibit.  

The Cup, the Bowl,  the chalice, the font….a final urn. 

All  vessels that sustain and nurture us be it precious water, mindful zen tea, sacred wine,  or a coffee that comes with friendship.
With awareness we receive these offerings finding the 
generous blessings they embody.
 Slowing down we receive and open to gratitude. 
These moments 
are countless ... cross culturally, globally we continually partake. 
Historically we find the cup  part of mystical language, an ancient and timeless symbol.
There are numerous references to the cup in the Torah and the Bible.
Perhaps the most familiar would be the 23rd Psalm, in the King James Version,  
‘My cup runneth over, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever’.
Could blessings be spoken more completely or  more eloquently? 


The exhibit will run from May 24-June 8, 2024, with Gallery Hours on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 2 pm. The Chapel Gallery is located at 600 Richmond Avenue, Victoria.  For yet more information, follow this link: