You might have noticed that we don't often have children attending our worship --- doesn't mean we don't want them and love to welcome them when they come! We realize, however, that at present, children tend to visit when visiting friends and family in our community.
So ... if you're considering a visit, you might want to know:
- Kids are warmly welcomed!
- We understand and enjoy the energy of the younger folk -- and have no concerns with a bit of noise, movement, or other "signs of life".
- We always have a few books and “quiet toys” available at the back. We like everyone to feel at home. Just ask one of our greeters.
- We're happy to say that our "after church coffee" always offers treats that might be more appealing than a cup of coffee or tea!
Main message: relax and let your kids explore our space!
St. Matthias loves kids to be part of our worship time and worship year. If you see yourself and your family in our midst, please know that we'd be happy to involve your kids in our worship, as they and you are comfortable. Some of our traditions:
- We invite kids to help us bring the bread and wine to the altar for the Eucharist.
- We invite kids to do readings at church (or accompany their parents).
- Kids are the center of our "no rehearsals, all welcome" Christmas pageant!
- Kids act as servers, carry the cross and sing in their very own children's choir!