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GVPN Annual General Meeting on November 14, 2023

Placemakers! You are invited to a lively discussion among like-minded others at our next Annual General Meeting. This includes current members, future members, and just the plain curious!

The Greater Victoria Placemaking Network (GVPN) is hosting its 2023 Annual General Meeting.

This year, we will gather at St. Matthias Anglican Church, 600 Richmond Ave., Victoria, on Tuesday, November 14.

Doors open at 5:45 pm. Meeting from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, followed by short presentations and panel discussion from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on “Why active public spaces and quality urban design matters – now more than ever” with special guests:

  • Mikaila Montgomery, currently a planner with the Township of Esquimalt, Mikaila’s master’s thesis was on Placemaking by local governments.
  • Hayley Johnson, an architect in the private sector, has worked with Cascadia Architects and is presently with Christine Lintott Architects.

We invite all current and future members to please consider:

  • Joining the Board of Directors at the AGM, to help guide placemaking efforts in the Capital Region. Let Ray Straatsma know if you are considering this, by emailing
  • Renewing your membership. In order to vote or become a director, you must be a member in good standing. This means your membership fees must have been paid within 365 days before the AGM, specifically after Nov 14 of last year. You can check your membership status and pay at the door of the AGM. You can also renew your membership online. Membership fees are $20 per year, or $10 for student/low income.

Please join us on Tuesday, November 14, from 6-8:30pm, for pizza and conversations about placemaking.