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 The Annual Vestry Meeting for St. Matthias Anglican Church will be held on Sunday, February 20, 2022, at 1130am via Zoom

"The vestry is an annual opportunity to gather together as a community of faith, receive the reports of various groups, offer appreciation for volunteers, elect members to serve as representatives to Synod, review the financial reports of the parish and to conduct the formal business of the parish. 

The call to participate as a Member of Vestry is an invitation to live into the rights and responsibilities that follow with being baptized in Christ, and choosing to support and uphold one another and this community of faith in prayer, stewardship and faithfulness."  

On February 20th we will gather via Zoom to celebrate the past year of ministry and receive and acknowledge the hard work of staff and volunteers during this pandemic! 

Copies of the Vestry report are available by emailing