Hello! Welcome to St. Matthias! 

We welcome you every day, every week,  whether you're a long-time parishioner, a frequent visitor, or someone coming for a look!  Everyone is welcome:  NO Exceptions! Come as you are:  "no experience is required."  (Puzzled?  Ask whoever's nearest to you!) And, of course, we thank you for your virtual visit today!

We've entered the church season of Lent (the word is derived from an Old English word meaning spring), when we appreciate the changing season and reflect for 40 days, on the central miracle of our faith, the Resurrection, which we celebrate at Easter.  

As we reflect, we appreciate many things. March 8 was International Women's Day.  Look at our news item https://www.stmatthiasvictoria.ca/news/international-womens-day where we celebrate the role of women clergy in the Diocese of British Columbia.  We invite you to watch the interview with our wonderful honorary clergy, The Rev. Canon Karen Fast https://vimeo.com/1063588887?share=copy#t=0.  

We humbly acknowledge that the need for reconciliation is part of the ongoing journey of understanding and reflection necessary for a society that hopes for justice. However you perceive God, the Creator, the Divine, please know that we proclaim the loving attention of the One who loves and knows each of us.  And, in the call to reconciliation, we rely on God's presence to sustain us as we encounter the disturbing challenge of our history.  

The word "church" holds negative messages or painful history for some.  But we still say:  "St. Matthias genuinely and warmly welcomes everyone who comes through our door, without condition or limit. " If you see yourself in the rainbow banner or the abbreviation LGBTQIA2S+, please know you're particularly invited.   

We would be delighted to meet you in person.  And -- stay for a few minutes after worship for coffee or tea! 

Please sample the draft sermons from our wonderful priest, Reverend Colleen, and from our guest preachers.   Remember ... each draft is similar to what we hear in person, but often missing late insights, chuckles and changes.  So ... take a look and then, come and listen for yourself!  Click here https://www.stmatthiasvictoria.ca/blog to read one, a few, or all! 

The church is more than buildings and programs. We are the body of Christ present in this world no matter who or where we are. We are a church without walls.  Thank you for your virtual visit!  All are welcome here.