Hello and thanks for your visit! 

For the three branches of the Abrahamic tradition, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, spring marks central periods of reflection and celebration.  In our worship, as always, we explore readings from both the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, thinking about the important context of these traditions.   However you mark these seasons, we greet you in warmth and good wishes. 

The friendly community of St. Matthias would be delighted to meet you in person.  Come as you are and know that "no experience is required":  it's no surprise to us that many people are unfamiliar with "church" of whatever denomination.  

This past Sunday, May 5th, we welcomed Bishop Anna Greenwood-Lee, who led our worship and preached.  She's kindly shared an electronic version of her draft sermon.  Click here to read the draft:  https://www.stmatthiasvictoria.ca/blog

We also know the word "church" holds negative messages for some.  Here's our message:  St. Matthias genuinely and warmly welcomes everyone who comes through our door, without condition or limit.  If you see yourself in the rainbow banner or the abbreviation LGBTQIA2S+, please know you're particularly invited.  If you don't see someone who "looks like you" in traditional church leadership, please know you're particularly invited (and maybe you'll see your way clear to taking a role in church leadership).  Welcome to St. Matthias!  

For a tiny introduction to our seasons of Lent and Easter, click here:  https://www.stmatthiasvictoria.ca/pages/our-seasons

Reverend Colleen continues to share her draft sermons.  Remember ... each draft is similar to what we hear in person, but often missing late insights, chuckles and changes.  So ... take a look and then, come and listen for yourself!  Click here https://www.stmatthiasvictoria.ca/blog to read one, a few, or all!

St. Matthias joins with all Canadians in an ongoing journey of acknowledgement and reconciliation,  reflecting on the complex, often painful, history of our shared heritage, whether our families have been here since time out of mind, for many generations, or whether we are "brand new" to Canada.   Respectfully, we acknowledge the legacy of the residential schools. We listen.  We grieve.  We honour.  We commit to action. 

The church is more than buildings and programs. We are the body of Christ present in this world no matter where we are. We are a church without walls.  Thank you for your virtual visit!  All are welcome here.